Under this track of the conference, papers are accepted that address the broader theme of finance, accounting, and law. The topics include, but are not limited to:
Special Interest Event: Critical issues in Islamic Finance, Law, and Governance
A dedicated event inviting papers on critical issues in Islamic finance, law, and governance will also be organized in partnership with the Swansea University School of Management and CEIF. The organising team includes eminent researchers in Islamic finance: Dr Nader Virk from Swansea University, UK; Dr Tasawar Nawaz from the University of Plymouth, UK; and Professor Dr M. Shahid Ebrahim from Durham University, UK.
The purpose of this special interest event is to serve as a forum to identify, exchange and advance ideas that are crucial for the standardisation, growth and stability of the Islamic finance sector. Importantly, studies have shown that issues about religious entrenchment increases agency costs and may create adverse performance outcomes and obscure Shariah governance (Nawaz and Virk, 2019; Gözübüyük et al., 2020; Virk et al. 2022). These issues and other interesting topics are worth investigating when it is known that robust policies and regulatory frameworks are essential to curb shocks to the economic system and reinforce financial inclusion (Ebrahim, 2009).
The overarching aim is to bring together areas of financial innovation, financial intermediation, regulatory oversight and internal governance mechanisms to offer customized and innovative financial solutions subject to robust and consistent legal injunctions that are effectively supervised. Renowned scholars and practitioners will be invited to present their work and sit on the event panels.
Tracks for the Special Interest Event
Papers addressing the theme of the event will be accepted for presentation. Papers on the following topics will be given priority:
* There is no registration fee for the authors who are submitting their paper for the seminar on Critical Issues in Islamic Finance, Law, and Governance.
Paper Submission Deadline: March 25th 2022
Acceptance Notification: April 10th 2022
Registration Fee Deadline: April 30th 2022
Publication Opportunities for the Special Interest Event
The selected papers presented in the seminar on Critical Issues in Islamic Finance, Law, and Governance – subject to meeting the peer-review process – will be published in the special edition of the Journal of Accounting and Business Research and IBA Business Review. The information on JIBAR for the special issue can be accessed using the link https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/calls-for-papers/corporate-governance-islamic-banking-finance. The authors are requested to give their consent for possible publication(s) in the said journals while submitting their paper(s) for the conference.
Workshops on the Special Interest Event
Meet the Editors
The Islamic Finance event will organise a dedicated virtual session on how to publish in reputable journals in finance, where editors of leading journals in finance will be invited. This will help young and established researchers to outline collaboration and dissemination strategies for their research.
Corporate Governance in Islamic Institutions: Theory and Practice
A workshop will also be held for doctoral students and interested researchers on Corporate Governance in Islamic Institutions: Theory and Practice. The workshop will be conducted by scholars renowned in the area and is aimed to equip researchers with the knowledge of how corporate governance is practiced in Islamic institutions and the means and venues of research in the area.
In case of questions regarding submission, registration, sponsorship, and other matters related to the special interest event, please feel free to contact us.
1) Dr. Tasawar Nawaz,
University of Plymouth, UK
2) Dr. Nader Virk,
Swansea School of Management,
Swansea University, UK
3) Dr. Hilal Anwar Butt
Institute of Business Administration,
Karachi, Pakistan
JIBAR special issue: Please send all proposal queries to Professor Dr Hilal Butt at Email: habutt@iba.edu.pk.
IBA Business Review: In order to submit your proposals for IBA Review, please contact Dr Nader Virk at n.s.virk@swansea.ac.uk.
Ebrahim, M.S. (2009). Can an Islamic Model of Housing Finance Cooperative Elevate the Economic Status of the Underprivileged? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 72, 864-883.
Gözübüyük, R., Kock, C. J., & Ünal, M. (2020). Who appropriates centrality rents? The role of institutions in regulating social networks in the global Islamic finance industry. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(5), 764-787.
Nawaz, T., & Virk, N. S. (2019). Religious entrenchment and agency costs. Economics Letters, 179, 83-86.
Virk, N., Nawaz, T., & Molyneux, P. (2022). A Canary in a Coalmine! Religious agency and its impact on the performance of Islamic banks, working paper.